A World-Class Fire and Explosions Hazard Management Service Provider

All high hazard industries; Oil and Gas; petrochemical sector where the combination of fire science, engineering and operational skills.

Key Markets

Oil And Gas/Energy Organizations

Fire and rescue service provision, including planning, training, emergency response and equipment for military bases.

Transportation And Aviation

Fire and rescue service provision, including planning, training, emergency response and equipment for military and domestic aircraft. Fire and rescue service provision including planning, training, emergency response and equipment for major projects in road, rail and marine transport.

Construction Industry/Infrastructure:

Fire and rescue service provision including planning, training, emergency response and equipment for utilities and manufacturing infrastructure projects, as well as nuclear, chemical and other high-risk industries. Fire engineering design, provision, installation services, computational fire modelling, fire safety equipment supply, testing and development of standards of construction materials.


Fire and rescue service provision, including planning, training, emergency response and equipment for military bases.

Wide spectrum of Industrial Sectors…
  • Major Hazard Industries
  • Nuclear & Military
  • Petrochemicals
  • Oil & Gas
  • Refinery
  • Air Transport
  • Manufacturing
  • Construction Industries
  • Fire Protection Engineering
  • Building (Hotels, Hospitals, Corporate)

Major Fire Events Of National And International Significance

Fire Investigation Insurance Seminars And Conferences. Workshops