A World-Class Fire and Explosions Hazard Management Service Provider

We are one of the best in the field of Fire And Explosion Hazard Management (FEHM). We fully customized clients services. We take the time to fully understand our clients operations and customize our turnkey solution to ensure we meet exact customer requirements to save time, money and, in the event of an emergency, possibly even lives, buildings and assets.

By simplifying clients operation and entering into a contract based on an agreed fixed term fee,Fire-Bow clients will gain higher levels of control over their financial budgets

We close the lid for the need for multiple service providers and issue Fire-Bow clients with one point of contact for all fire and explosion hazard management issues, thus freeing up valuable time and resources that can be spent working towards strategic goals and developing core competencies.

By outsourcing Fire and rescue services to Fire-Bow employers can discharge moral and legal obligations as well as reduce the cost and consequences of damage to life and property, should it occur.